Monday, June 6, 2016

Summer break day #3

On my third day on summer break, I decided to create a blog. I don't know how much am I going to be able to write on it, but I think I will try. I did this blogging thing a few years ago... Gosh! It's been like 10 years! and blogger saved my mind from a breakdown. I am trying to keep me busy and mind crisp.
I had a rough year. Not with my students but with my so not fun peers. How do I explain this... teaching is very much like any other office job. So much drama! Unnecessary drama! I came to this campus with high hopes that I would finally found a great team of professional individuals. I came to find the opposite. This campus is full of people that are there to take opportunities from other people, I never felt welcomed but hated. Yes. The big H word.
My personal beliefs are that my bilingual program is hated here. See, let me explain more about this iffy situation. The school is old, and so are people here. They are teachers that had only worked on this campus for over 10 years. I think they have secretly tattooed bar codes on their bodies!! ha! Anyway, people don't like changes. Two years ago, someone in the district decided that Bilingual needed a new home and they moved the program to this campus. Not very smart. Old place, small campus. Our program is growing and so they HAD to move some of the inventory (old people) to other campuses. This generated hate. and much!

Anyway. I'm trying to stay calm and move on. I do like teaching bilingual kiddos. They are amazing. The school not so much. I found my calling in teaching.

I am getting ready to go eat lunch with the husband, so I will stop writing now.
The Third-grade teacher.

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But first, let me tell you what a blog is... and some amazing blogs out there!

This blog is intended to reflect on my experiences as an elementary teacher, focusing on Bilinguals and their issues. I love to teach. I d...